
Design Sprint: a Tinder for organ donors

Work with any industry as a design facilitator. Co create products and services with experts and test out ideas quickly. Learn, build and test ideas.

hypothetical challenge:
The director of the Hypothetical Institute of Design (HID) believes a huge opportunity exists both for students and companies to benefit from the new economy.The aim is to prove how the institute can contribute to the private sector in new economy through a product or services. A Design-Sprint-Exercise for the health-industry, organ donations and digitalization.

Insights of the fictional Product:

Prototype & Process: Clickdummy.
ABSTRACT of the fictional Product

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” aims to work alongside the company “Swiss Transplant” to reimagine the organ donor/receiver platform in
order to fix pending issues. When observing the current problems facing this sector we came to notice that there was a huge problem regarding the amount of existing donors as well as people not even knowing the existence of a registration process. It is also very noticeable that the platform is outdated since some of the donor passes are still analogue and not digital.
Whilst realizing the possibility for progress, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” came up with the idea of creating a new platform inspired by Tinder and Marketplace, where donors could contact patients looking for specific organs. This platform would be a solution for the very long waiting list that is often deadly, in case of emergencies where people need an organ in 8 to 12 hours, as well as making the donor registration process more accessible and understandable. This solution would also start a public discussion around organ donation and maybe help erase stigmas around it.


mit Dylan Blasi, Jana Hoffmann, Regan Raveendran, Matthias Weber, David Schneiter
als Student am Masterstudio Design – Integrative Design | HGK | FHNW

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